Piernik MHD code 1.0 documentation
2.7. Piernik Test Suite
2.7.1. 1D tests
1. MHD shock tube
2. Ryu and Jones shock tube
2.7.2. 2D tests
1. Orszag-Tang vortex test
2. Kelvin-Helmholz instability
3. Blob test
2.7.3. 3D tests
1. Jeans test
2. Maclaurin Spheroid
Table Of Contents
1. About the code & service
2. User’s guide
2.1. License
2.2. First steps with Piernik code
2.3. Types of output (+)
2.4. Composing the code
2.5. Runtime Parameters Descriptions
2.6. Setting up new problems
2.7. Piernik Test Suite
2.7.1. 1D tests
2.7.2. 2D tests
2.7.3. 3D tests
2.8. How to report bugs in Piernik?
3. Programmer’s guide
4. Miscellanea
5. Concepts & index
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