1.2. Piernik Service (AstroGrid-PL)

The high performance numerical simulations involving dynamics of fluids and particle has become an indispensable tool for modern astrophysical modelling. InSilicoLab for Astrophysics is a framework dedicated for computational astrophysicists intending to conduct an numerical experiment using the PLGRID infrastructure. It serves as an interface for the multi-purpose, magnetohydrodynamical, open-source code PIERNIK. As a result, scientists using only a web browser can perform a full sequence of actions starting from copying of the source code from a publicly accessible repository, through the remote compilation of the code, execution of the numerical experiment in the PLGRID infrastructure and an immediate visualization of the results using the yt package. Additionally the simulation results are stored as binary HDF5 files in LFC catalogue, available for further analysis. The offered solution can serve as a template for the other astrophysical simulation codes.

AstroGrid-PL (website)

Piernik Service in InSilicoLab for Astrophysics