.. Piernik MHD code documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Mon Aug 4 13:00:52 2014. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Presentations & papers ============================================ #. | Hanasz, M.; Kowalik, K.; Gawryszczak, A.; Wóltański, D. | `High Performance Astrophysical Fluid Simulations Using InSilicoLab Framework `_, | *Lecture Notes in Computer Science*, **Volume 8500**, pp 293-304, **2014** #. | Hanasz, M.; Lesch, H.; Naab, T.; Gawryszczak, A.; Kowalik, K.; Wóltanski, D. | `Cosmic Rays Can Drive Strong Outflows from Gas-rich High-redshift Disk Galaxies `_, | *The Astrophysical Journal Letters*, **Volume 777**, Issue 2, article id. L38, 6 pp., **Nov 2013** #. | Kowalik, K.; Hanasz, M.; Wóltanski, D.; Gawryszczak, A. | `Streaming instability in the quasi-global protoplanetary discs `_, | *Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society*, **Volume 434**, Issue 2, p.1460-1468, **Sep 2013** #. | Hanasz, M.; Woltanski, D.; Kowalik, K. | `Interstellar and intergalactic dynamos `_, | *Solar and Astrophysical Dynamos and Magnetic Activity, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium*, **Volume 294**, pp. 225-236, **Jul 2013** #. | Wóltanski, Dominik; Hanasz, Michal; Kowalik, Kacper | `Cosmic Ray Driven Dynamo in Spiral Galaxies `_, | *Cosmic Rays in Star-Forming Environments, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings*, **Volume 34**. ISBN 978-3-642-35409-0. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, p. 425, **2013** #. | Hanasz, M.; Kowalik, K.; Wóltanski, D.; Pawlaszek, R. | `PIERNIK MHD code - a multi-fluid, non-ideal extension of the relaxing-TVD scheme (IV) `_, | *EAS Publications Series*, **Volume 56**, pp.367-370, **Sep 2012** #. | Hanasz, M.; Kowalik, K.; Wóltanski, D.; Pawlaszek, R. | `PIERNIK MHD code - a multi-fluid, non-ideal extension of the relaxing-TVD scheme (III) `_, | *EAS Publications Series*, **Volume 56**, pp.363-366, **Sep 2012** #. | Hanasz, M.; Otmianowska-Mazur, K.; Lesch, H.; Kowal, G.; Soida, M.; Wóltanski, D.; Kowalik, K.; Pawlaszek, R. K.; Kulesza-Zydzik, B. | `Incorporating Cosmic Rays In Local And Global Models Of Disk-Halo Interaction `_, | *EAS Publications Series*, **Volume 56**, pp.347-354, **Sep 2012** #. | Kowalik, Kacper; Hanasz, M.; Woltanski, D. | `Streaming Instability In The Global Protoplanetary Disks `_, | *American Astronomical Society, ESS meeting #2, #33.10*, **Sep 2011** #. | Hanasz, M.; Wóltanski, D.; Kowalik, K.; Kotarba, H. | `Cosmic-ray driven dynamo in galaxies `_, | *Advances in Plasma Astrophysics, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium*, **Volume 274**, p. 355-360, **Jun 2011** #. | Drazkowska, J.; Hanasz, M.; Kowalik, K. | `Particle module of Piernik MHD code `_, | *Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics, Proceedings of the 17th Young Scientists' Conference on Astronomy and Space Physics, held in Kyiv, Ukraine, April 26 - May 1, 2010, Eds.: Choliy V., Ivashchenko G., Ivaniuk O., Kyivskyi Universytet, Kyiv*, p. 92-95, **Jan 2011** #. | Drazkowska, Joanna; Hanasz, Michal; Kowalik, Kacper | `Particle module of Piernik MHD code, `_ | *Astrophysics Source Code Library, record ascl:1010.005*, **Oct 2010** #. | Drazkowska, Joanna; Hanasz, Michal; Kowalik, Kacper | `Comparison between particle and fluid approximations to dust dynamics `_, | *the Proceedings of the International Conference of Young Astronomers (September 7-13, 2009 Kraków, Poland)*, eprint arXiv:1009.0627, **Sep 2010** #. | Hanasz, M.; Kowalik, K.; Wóltanski, D.; Pawlaszek, R.; Kornet, K. | `The PIERNIK MHD code - a multi-fluid, non-ideal extension of the relaxing-TVD scheme (II) `_, | *EAS Publications Series*, **Volume 42**, pp.281-285, **Apr 2010** #. | Hanasz, M.; Kowalik, K.; Wóltanski, D.; Pawlaszek, R. | `The PIERNIK MHD code - a multi-fluid, non-ideal extension of the relaxing-TVD scheme (I) `_, | *EAS Publications Series*, **Volume 42**, pp.275-280, **Apr 2010** #. | Hanasz, Michal; Wóltanski, Dominik; Kowalik, Kacper | `Global Galactic Dynamo Driven by Cosmic Rays and Exploding Magnetized Stars `_, | *The Astrophysical Journal Letters*, **Volume 706**, Issue 1, pp. L155-L159, **Nov 2009** #. | Hanasz, Michal; Wóltanski, Dominik; Kowalik, Kacper; Pawlaszek, Rafal | `Global simulations of a galactic dynamo driven by cosmic-rays and exploding magnetized stars `_, | *Cosmic Magnetic Fields: From Planets, to Stars and Galaxies, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium*, **Volume 259**, p. 549-550, **Apr 2009** #. | Hanasz, Michal; Otmianowska-Mazur, K.; Lesch, H.; Kowal, G.; Soida, M.; Wóltanski, D.; Kowalik, K.; Pawlaszek, R. K.; Kulesza-Zydzik, B. | `Cosmic-ray driven dynamo in galactic disks `_, | *Cosmic Magnetic Fields: From Planets, to Stars and Galaxies, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium*, **Volume 259**, p. 479-484, **Apr 2009** #. | Kowalik, K.; Hanasz, M. | `Initial Magnetization of Galaxies by Exploding, Magnetized Stars `_, | *YSC'14 Proceedings of Contributed Papers (eds. G. Ivashchenko, A. Golovin)*, pp. 49-53, **Dec 2007**